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The Lord Will Come . . .  Perhaps Today . . .  Behold, I Come Quickly . . . . . Revelation 22:7

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God's Simmering Anger


Some time ago I decided to have a glass of warm milk.  I put the milk in a pot and turned on the heat.  Having gone into my study, I forgot about the milk.  Hearing an unusual sound and going to the kitchen I saw the milk had boiled over onto the stove.  The problem was not the heat that caused it to boil over, it was because I was not watching it!  Had I been watching the milk heating up, I would have seen the signs of it about to come to a boil.

Even though God reminded His people of a lack of bread (Amos. 4:6), they failed to see it was a judgment of God due to their sins.  Then He caused a drought and there was no water, it was not mother nature; He sent pestilences, but they thought it was just a happening;  He then let the young men be killed, it was not because the enemy was stronger or better equipped, it was the simmering of God’s anger.  Today we are witnessing the simmering of God’s anger against man’s sin.  Like Judah, we do not recognize the happenings of God using nature to call man to repentance.  Alas, no matter what God did, Judah lived in disobedience to God until when judgment was about to fall, Amos proclaimed, “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).

Across the world man is blatantly rebelling against God’s moral law, denying His warnings from Sodom and Gommorah, the flood in which the unrepentant were killed.

In the Roman epistle, God reveals to man the process of how His anger is revealed.  It is not as yet by some catastrophic event.  It is by letting man reject the laws of God and live proclaiming freedom, when in reality, God is judging by letting man reap the consequences of man’s sin.

The process begins when man
refuses to bow to God’s perfect authority and with satanic deception wants his freedom, freedom that brings man into the bondage of sin.  As sin increases in its grip over humanity, humans become more degrading until God gives them over to a reprobate mind (Rom. 1:28), that is, a morally useless mind.  The result is humanity is marked by unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful (Rom. 1:29-31).  David, a shepherd boy, wrote in Psalm 2:3 of  humanity seeking to live without the loving curtailment of God’s laws.

Man’s freedom today is the slaughter of babies, freedom to tattoo our bodies until they are positively demonic,  freedom for men to have sexual relations with men, and a woman to be a thing used in base movies and speech.  God informs man that, in letting man fulfill his desires, He (God) is at the same time executing judgment on mankind.  He is giving man up and in time his conscience is no longer uncomfortable with sin.  It is accepted and celebrated.  Every earthquake, tornado, flood, or any other catastrophic happening is the manifestation of God’s simmering anger and sinful man does not see it, nor does He want to see it.

The leaders of this world see the crisis and proclaim a New World Order.  For years they have been looking for a person who will be the embodiment of that which they are in themselves.  Humanity is looking for a man who apparently will be able to bring about a world of peace, order of financial equality, zero pollution and equality for every individual.   God-given distinctions will be virtually wiped out.  The man of sin will arrive on the scene.  He does not need to be voted into a position, Hitler never won an election.  Almost imperceptibly he will come to the fore proclaiming peace and himself as a great victor over the problems and upheavals of the world.

When man deems to have universal control over every nation and people, the Lord will come.   Even in the face of the Lord and the moral absolute of His judgments, man will not repent, but in paganism pray to the roads etc to cover them from the wrath of the Lamb.   “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places” (Rev. 6:14).  The angry God will vent His righteous fury on wicked humanity and do so without mercy.

Wise is the individual who lives with true priorities, putting God first.

. . . . Rowan Jennings