Prophetic Schematics
1) |
The normally accepted view of the prophetic events is the
suggestion that there are four great eras, each following one
after the other. It is my understanding that they do not follow
hard after each other, but that there are three distinct periods
of time, of unknown duration, at least definitely between two of
them. |
a) |
I do not
in any way discredit the thoughts of others because we all stand
on the shoulders of those who have gone before and taught us
things. No doubt they have seen things as I see them and have
decided against them for reasons unknown to me. |
b) |
The normal schematic on prophecy: |
The problem with this is that it leaves no room for a number of
events which need to take place between the rapture and the
beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. It also ignores the words of
Mk. 13:24: “In those days, after that tribulation”, and
indicates that the eternal state begins immediately after the
millennium. |
c) |
The following schematic is my revised schematic. |
i) |
By "unknown” I mean a time period, the exact duration we are not
told. |
ii) |
From the words of Dan. 9:24 the period of 30 and 45 days of Dan.
12:11-12 must be part of Daniel’s 70th week |
The Schematic Detailed
The Church Age
Begins |
Pentecost is
evidenced by the distinctive split that came between the
Jews and the believers as seen by:
The reference to that which
happened at the “beginning”
The message preached
emphasizing Jesus and Christ.
The fact that the disciples
went to their own company.
d) There
was increasing animosity and hatred against the apostles:
There were beatings
They were stoned
iii) They were jailed
iv) They were martyred
v) They were
There was increased rejection
to the message:
i) By the
refusal to listen
ii) By resisting
the Holy Spirit
By the apostles going to the
The bringing in of the
Gentiles, not as jointly blessed but as absolute
equals, doing away of racial distinctions, making one
new man in
Christ Jesus. I am using Paul’s words in Eph. 2:15.
Acts 2:41; 4:23
Acts 11:15
Acts 2:22, 32, 36, 38
Acts 3:6, 13, 26
Acts 4:2, 10, 13, 18, 27, 33
Acts 4:23; 12:12
Acts 16:22; 18:17
Acts 7:58, 59; 14:5, 19
Acts 4:3; 5:18; 22:19
Acts 7:60; 12:2
Acts 4:21
Acts 7:57
Acts 7:51
Acts 13:46, 47; 18:6
Gal. 3:28; Eph. 2:14-22; 3:6; Col. 3:11 |
Ends |
Rapture |
1 Thess. 4:13-18
1 Cor. 15:51-58 |
Features |
A Mystery.
Unity, seen by the expressions:
a) One Body
b) A House
c) A Temple
d) A bride
e) A holy priesthood
f) One flock (In the KJV it is translated “one
fold” “Poimne”)
g) A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an
holy nation, a peculiar people
h) A city |
Eph. 3:4; Col. 1:26
Col. 2:19
Heb. 3:6
Eph. 2:21
Rev. 21:2
1 Pet. 2:5
Jn. 10:16
1 Pet. 2:9
Rev. 21:2
Duration |
Unknown |
Daniel’s 70th Week
Begins |
Daniel’s 70th Week which begins with the confirming of a
covenant. |
Dan. 9:27 |
Ends |
From my understanding, with full preparations over and the
up of the Millennium Kingdom.
Days of untold savagery, with man standing on the brink of
c) The lust and drunkenness of self-preservation
and power results in
this being a world of animal like behavior. |
Dan. 9:24
Matt. 24:22
Matt. 10:21; Mk. 13:12
Features |
1) A
period of extremism:
a) Those who are suffering for Christ
and God, and those who are
from God and Christ.
b) Those who are worshippers of
God, and those who are worshippers
c) On earth a man setting aside
the laws of God and in Heaven, God in
of the entire situation.
Unsaved vacillating between glorifying and blaspheming God.
freedom to worship, and then state dictatorial worship.
Unsaved man lifting himself to the utmost degree of
arrogance, and by
Lord, being cast into the lowest hell.
g) Unsaved men rejoicing over
the death of God’s witnesses, and the
redeemed in heaven rejoicing over the ruination of Satan’s
and all that it is associated with.
Those who belong to the Lord are slain by the evil one, and
those who
to the evil one are slain by God and Christ.
i) Satan cast from heaven
to earth, to the bottomless pit, to the Lake of
Matt. 25:34-40; Rev. 9:6
Rev. 4:10;
Dan. 7:25-27; Rev. 4:2-5:7
Rev. 11:13; 16:11
Dan. 9:27; 2 Thess. 2:4;
Rev. 13:16-17
2 Thess. 2:4; Rev. 19:20
Rev. 11:10; 19:1-7
Rev. 11:7; 19:1-10
Rev. 12:9; 20:2-3
2) Historical happenings and events:
The setting up of the image
b) The forced reception of the
mark of the beast
c) Loss of all personal rights
d) Israel in a hiding place in
the wilderness
e) The Lord’s Prayer (Since
Matthew is particularly Jewish and when
saints of the future cannot buy or sell without the mark of
the beast,
I see
this having a particular relevance in the future. Because
it is also
in Lk.
11:2-4 it can be prayed today)
f) The mark of the beast
g) The Gospel of the Kingdom
being preached
Satan cast from heaven to earth.
i) Untold savagery that
almost exterminates man |
Rev. 13:14
Rev. 13:16
Rev. 13:16-17
Rev. 12:6
Matt. 6:9-13
Rev. 13:16
Matt. 24:14
Rev. 12:8-10
Matt. 24:22
Duration |
Seven years, one week (the word for week is “shabuwa”) (We
speak of the seventy “haptads” as if that was the Hebrew
word, but “heptad” is an English word meaning a collection
of seven) The word “shabuwa” is used of Jacob working for
Rebecca (Gen. 29:27, 28), the Feast of Weeks (Ex. 34:22). |
Dan. 9:24, 25, 26, 27 |
The Millennium
Begins |
Millennium, The Lord beginning His reign on earth. |
Ends |
With God in His sovereignty freeing Satan. |
Features |
Righteousness will reign.
1) A kingdom which is:
Indestructible by corruption
and age.
Which is non transferable.
Which is unshakable.
Which is literal.
Which is unstoppable.
Which Divine Power will inaugurate.
Which by Divine Purpose will be accomplished.
Which a Divine Person will rule over.
Christ the King.
Righteousness shall reign for:
A King shall reign in
A King who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness.
A King who is just, ruling in the fear of God.
Renewal among the people
Peace among the nations
Blessing on nature
Social righteousness
Bodily health
Old age
Daily work |
Dan. 2:44
Dan. 2:44
Heb. 12:27
Jer. 33:19-21
Dan. 2:44
Dan. 2:44
Dan. 2:4
Dan. 2:44
Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:5
Isa. 32:1
Heb. 1:8-9
2 Sam. 23:3
Zech. 3:9
Mic. 4:3-4
Isa. 11:6-8;
Isa. 11:3-4
Isa. 35:5-6
Isa. 66:22-23
Isa. 65:21-23
Duration |
1000 years. Is this to be taken literally?
When God speaks of time terms
in Revelation, it is always literal.
i) 10 days
ii) 3 ½ days
iii) 1260 days
iv) 1000 years
This is not a symbolic
duration, for when God speaks of duration in
symbol, He never uses years to be a code of something else.
in symbol are always times, etc., but never does a year
something else. |
Rev. 2:10
Rev. 11:9
Rev. 11:3; 12:6
Rev. 20:2-7 |
Begins |
Christ hands everything over to God, and God is all in all.
1 Cor. 15:28 |
Ends |
Never |
Features |
Righteousness shall dwell and there will be:
a) An environment void of any sort of
b) No more death
c) With Satan eternally banished no more
d) As it was in eternity past it will be
A sphere of love
ii) A
manifestation of the glory God gives to Christ
iii) A
government where all judgment is in the light and no covert
iv) No more
need for cleansing
v) A
sphere with a perfect Administrator |
2 Pet. 3:13
Rev. 21:4
Rev. 21:4
Rev. 20:7-10
Jn. 17:24
Jn. 17:5, 24
Rev. 4:5
Rev. 4:6
Rev. 4:3, 8
Duration |
Eternal |
Unknown Time Period No. 1
Begins |
The events between the rapture and the beginning of Daniel's
70th week. |
Ends |
Features |
The Judgment Seat of Christ.
2. The
presentations of the Church.
3. The
pageantry and worship.
4. The
angelic hosts escorting Christ to God, the Ancient of Days.
5. The
magnificence of the praises when Christ takes the book.
6. The
Lord opening the first seal and the rising of the beast.
7. The
rise of the Beast and the False Prophet.
8. The
covenant between Israel and the Beast. (I am aware that
some take
this to be the covenant between Israel and the Lord but within the
context I
cannot see this as being so. Apart from anything, the covenant is not
for a
week (7 years) but in perpetuality)
9. The
Marriage of the Lamb and possibly the marriage supper.
from Dan. 9:26-2
a) The rebuilding of the Temple
b) The refurbishing of the
c) The restoration of the
d) The restoration of
Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:13;
1 Cor. 4:3-5; 2 Cor. 5:10;
Col. 3:24-25
Eph. 5:27; Heb. 2:12-13;
Jude 24
Rev. 4:2-11
Dan. 7:9, 11-14; Rev. 5:1-14
Rev. 5:7
Rev. 6:1
Rev. 13:1-18
Dan. 9:27
Rev. 19:7-9 |
Duration |
Unknown |
Unknown Time Period No. 2
Begins |
Between the end of the Millennium and
the Eternal State |
Ends |
The bringing in of eternity all things handed back to God |
1 Cor. 15:28 |
Features |
1. Satan
released from the pit
2. His deception over the peoples of
the earth
3. Satan being cast into the Lake of
4. The Great White Throne
5. The removal of the heavens and
6. The new heavens and earth |
Rev. 20:7
Rev. 20:8
Rev. 20:10
Rev. 20:11
Rev. 20:11; 2 Pet. 3:10-12;
2 Pet. 3:10-12;
Rev. 21:1
Duration |
Unknown |
The 75 days Between The End Of The Tribulation And The Beginning Of The
Reign Of Christ
Begins |
The end of the tribulation but
the end of Daniel’s 70th week |
Ends |
The beginning of the Millennium and the reign of Christ |
Features |
1) The distinction between the end of Daniel’s 70th
week and the end
of the tribulation.
a) There
will be upheaval in the Heavens
b) The
coming of the Lord to Judge
c) The
removal of the Beast and Antichrist
d) The
unification of the nations against God and His anointed
e) The
campaign of Armageddon
f) The
judgment of the Living Nations
The binding of Satan
h) The
restoration of Israel
i) The
cleansing of the earth and the restitution of all things
j) The
Judgment of the Jews
k) Reunification
of the houses of Judah and Israel
l) Israel
will recognize Christ as their Messiah and will weep
m) They
will be brought into the fullness of the new covenant
Matt. 24:29-30
2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 19:11
Rev. 19:19
Psa. 2:1-2
Zech. 12:9; Rev. 19:17-21
Matt. 25:31-46
Rev. 20:1-7
Ezek. 36:8-15
Rom. 8:19, 21-23; Acts 3:21
Ezek. 34-37
Zech. 12:10
Heb. 8:1-11 |
2) Between
the end of the tribulation and the beginning of the reign
of Christ.
The tribulation does not end with the coming of the Lord to
Several days pass in which the sun is darkened and:
“Then shall
they see the Son of Man”.
b) Note
the reading. In those days after that tribulation.
days? At least three and a half (Rev. 11:9). It seems
this time period is 75 days (see note on Schematic of
Daniel’s 70th week.)
c) The
cleansing and restoration of the earth |
Matt. 24:29-30;
Mk. 13:24-27
Dan. 12:11-12
The tribulation ends after 1260 days, that is from when the
daily sacrifice is taken away.
Then, in v. 12, he speaks of 1290 days, and finally in v. 12
of 1335 days. |
Duration |
Seventy-five days |
Dan. 12:11-12 |
Because there is a distinction between the Church, Israel and the
Gentiles, their prophetic programs are different
Matthew 24 |
Data |
Seal No. |
Revelation |
Verses 4-5 |
The rise of the false Christ |
1 |
Ch. 6:1-2 |
Verses 6-7 |
The wars |
2 |
Ch. 6:3-4 |
Verse 7 |
Famines |
3 |
Ch. 6:5-6 |
Verse 7 |
Pestilences |
4 |
Ch. 6:7-8 |
Verses 8-28 |
Martyrdom's |
5 |
Ch. 9-11 |
Verse 29-30 |
Signs in the heaven |
6 |
Ch. 6:12-17 |
The silence when the 7th seal is opened is not known on
earth so there is no reference to it in Matt. 24.
7 |
Ch. 8:1 |
1) |
The witness of the Holy Spirit expressly declaring a
distinction. (1 Cor. 10:31)
a) |
God's Program For Israel |
i) |
The restoration to the land, in the scriptures Israel is never
seen back in the land until after the Lord comes. |
ii) |
Restoration of the Temple and sacrifices and therefore the
priesthood. |
iii) |
Restoration of the monarchy. |
iv) |
Restoration of them nationally. |
v) |
Their hiding place in the wilderness during the tribulation. |
vi) |
The covenant with the Beast. |
vii) |
The recognition, acceptance of Christ as the Messiah. |
viii) |
Becoming a head of the nations. |
b) |
God's Program For The Church |
i) |
The rapture |
ii) |
The resurrection |
iii) |
Review at the Judgment Seat |
iv) |
The marriage of the Lamb |
v) |
The marriage supper for the Lamb |
vi) |
Manifestation with Christ in glory |
vii) |
Reigning with Christ |
c) |
God's Program For The Gentiles |
i) |
The confederation of the Kingdoms |
ii) |
The rise of the beast |
iii) |
The confederation of religions |
iv) |
The unification of a state religion |
v) |
The unification of the financial market |
vi) |
The image of the Beast and his market |
vii) |
Destruction of the Beast and Antichrist by Christ |
viii) |
The campaign of Armageddon. |
ix) |
The knowledge of Christ as
Messiah. |
d) |
God's Program For The Peoples Of The World |
i) |
The judgment of the living Nations |
ii) |
The Great White Throne |
iii) |
The removal of all humanity because of siding with Satan |
2) |
I am aware that the normal view of the seals, trumpets and vials
of Revelation are viewed as successive with the 7th seal opening
the seven trumpets and the 7th trumpet opening the seven seals. |
3) |
There are several problems with this of which I mention several: |
a) |
The data for the seventh seal ends with the words: “there was
silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour” (ch. 8:1).
At this point there is made the assumption that the trumpets
flow out of the 7th seal, yet, there is no mention of the words:
“After these things” as in ch. 7:1; or “after this” (ch. 4:1);
or “When the seventh seal was opened seven trumpets were given
to the angels much less the first trumpet sounded” (Rev. 8:7).
Again, when the 7th trumpet is sounded and “there were great
voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of the world are become
the kingdoms
of our Lord, and of His Christ” (ch. 11:15-18) and there is no
connection to the seven angels and the seven last plagues (ch.
15:1; 16:1-21). I submit we have read Revelation but have made
assumptions on the relationship of the data, or put our own
interpretations into it. Surely chapter 11:15-18 is very
evidently just before the Lord comes to the earth. |
b) |
More importantly is the fact that virtually every commentator
when dealing with Matthew 24, the words of the Lord and His
interpretation will draw the connection between it and the seven
seals. It is done as follows: |
i) |
It will be seen therefore by the words of our Lord in Matt. 24,
the people being put to death equates with the 5th seal which
can only take place AFTER the great tribulation begins, the
“half way mark”. The 7th seal equates perfectly with the signs
AFTER the tribulation (Matt. 24:29-30), so the trumpets and
vials cannot follow them. |
ii) |
When this is seen the 7th seal is opened, there is the calm
serenity and stillness of heaven before the storm on the earth.
The question then is: “Where do the trumpets, thunders and vials
fit in?” It is obvious they fit in during the time of the
opening of the seals and that the 7th trumpet and vail fit in
with the events of the 6th seal (Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-18;
16:17-21). But some may object saying: “That is not what we
have always believed”. Then I submit a question: “Have we
simply accepted that which was taught or been like the Bereans
who “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were
so” (Acts 17:10-11). There is a danger that we can, like the
religious world which, when Galileo taught that the earth was
not the center of the universe was branded a heretic because he
dared to disagree with the held views. Luther questioned the
teachings then prevalent and was hated. We can be settled
having our ideas and that is it. |
iii) |
Once more, when commentators come to ch. 11:15-18 they cannot
fit the kingdoms of the world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord
and His Christ into that which is about to happen, for in their
interpretation the vials (Rev. 16:1-17) still have to follow, so
either the scriptures are wrong in what they indicate, or there
is a wrong interpretation. |
May God grant us good understanding as He, by His
Holy Spirit, deigns to guide us into all truth.
John 16:13
Rowan Jennings, Abbotsford,
British Columbia