To serve thee changes throughout life
With every passing day
At times it is to toil and work
At others, standing, pray.
For in Isaiah six we read
Of Seraphim who stood
Before the very face of God
Each doing what they should.
But were they not equipped by God
To do Him service true?
Ah yes, but they who know God best
Must view His face anew.
So standing there with folded wing
They simply stand and wait
But in their waiting His command
High praises do they state.
Oh Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
How full this earth will see
The glory of Thy Excellencies
Supernal Majesty.
The glory of the smoke of God
Filled all the heavenly place
The prophet then is brought to thee
To manifest thy grace.
So, in the moments of my life
When sitting Lord with Thee
Oh let me not a Martha be
But let me be Mary.
For standing there before the Lord
Or sitting at His feet
My voice I’ll raise in holy praise
For Calvary’s Mercy seat.
© Rowan Jennings