What value did you put on Christ, now was it all worthwhile
To sell Him for some silver coins, you lined them up in pile
But never saw the price you paid, or all that you have lost
Oh Judas I implore you, ”Was it really worth the cost?”
You spurned His love as nothing, despised the proffered grace
Yet could not bear to look upon that beaten bloodied face
And all the gifts He offered, by them you nothing gain
For now while falling headlong, your living has been vain.
So now I turn from thee to me, to bow my head in shame
How many times have I betrayed, denied that Holy Name
Thy love meant little to me, sin rules again, again
And yet I know repentance, is very often vain.
Lord help me to be honest, and now to value true
The blessings that are given, so freely Lord from you
Thy love and offered sacrifice, thy patience Lord with me
And help me truly value, thy wondrous blessings three.
© Rowan Jennings
24th June 2007