A tribute to my dearest friends, Max and Beth, who kindly opened their home,
and their hearts, during which time I had two heart attacks in eleven days.


Reference:  Matthew 25:34-40

My dear beloved brother, and dearest sister too
How could I have existed without my having you?
In times of deepest turmoil, not knowing where to turn
I then in turning to you, I knew you would not spurn.

 I never shall forget that night, in agony of mind,
The depths of griefs and loneliness, I needed someone kind
And in your home, and with you both, I found a solace true
And from the depths within my heart I thank God for you two.

 And afterward when I took ill, you came to visit me,
Then kindly opened up your home, that’s hospitality.
You cared for me, and talked to me, and strengthened me along
How oft I then began the day with singing and a song.

 The times we had together, at Baskins ice cream store
To argue with such happiness as we entered in the door
For who would pay, and who would shake, it really was such fun
The Lord will ne’er forget your kindness, a sure reward you won.

 Oh be assured beloved, my brother sister true
I never shall forget the love so shown to me by you.
To simply say a thank you, it surely falls far short
Pathetic, insufficient, inadequate retort.

 Then how shall I then thank you, for all you did for me?
Oh I shall tell in years to come that others then will see
The Christian love that’s seen in those who truly know the Lord
The unity within your home, the peace you did afford.

 And when the day of reward comes, then I shall witness true
Of all the fullness of your love, when I was feeling blue.
The Lord Himself will then reward, full compensation be
I’ll stand aside and say “Amen” for all He’ll give to thee.

But personally I want to say, a very great thank you
For honestly without you, whatever would I do?
Thus, from my deepest being, I truly give my thanks
And praising God sincerely for deposit in God’s banks.

©  Rowan Jennings
 21st November 2001