Three hours had
passed, darkness so deep, the sun’s great light withholding,
The darkness could not penetrate the curse the Lord's enduring.
The cup of wrath with bitter dregs, I've drained, I've been forsaken,
But now my faith in thee my God, remains, and is unshaken.
No light could ever penetrate because of man’s transgressions,
When Jesus in the sinner’s stead hung there in substitution.
I bow my head and hide my face and make my true confession,
I am unworthy of such grace, this is my declaration.
Oh why is this he suffers so? I’m filled with deep contrition,
And know for me His blood was shed to save from condemnation.
To gnash my teeth in deep dispair, in hell forever burning,
Great grace, He bore the curse for me, my peace He was procuring.
There on that cross alone He hung, forsaken, all forsaken,
When from His holy lips there came the cry of desolation.
My God, My God, I am Thy Son, to thee I am devoted,
Ah why should ever words like this, then from my lips be spoken?
Blest Lord, twas on that awful tree, you died for my transgressions,
And never in the depths of hell shall be my situation.
But by thy grace when in death’s chill, then without hesitation,
My voice I’ll raise to sing thy praise,
Eternal adoration!
© Rowan Jennings
June 2011