There is the possibility in reading the Old Testament, and especially
the Psalms, to only “see” the experiences of the Lord in the “Messianic
psalms”. This I believe is an error. For instance: “They gather
themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the
innocent blood” (Psa. 94:21). There can be no doubt that this is
Messianic in its wording. However, as a prophecy, it underlines the
fact that the Lord knew the response of men to himself.
is wonderful to see how God, in His providential activities, uses man’s
to fulfil His prophecies. Just as the solders who cast lots for His
vesture, so the individuals who made the false accusations had no
understanding they were fulfilling the scriptures.
The order is the release of Barabbas before the scourging of the
Lord. |
1) |
“Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto
them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be
crucified.” (Mk. 15:15) |
2) |
“Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged
Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified”. (Matt. 27:26) |
The Illegality Of The Trials
The trials of our Lord were, without exception, the greatest travesties
of justice the world has ever seen. In all the six trials, three being
religious and three legal, there is an absolute avoidance of the
slightest iota of righteousness in any way. Moral in justice was not
just lax but utterly rejected. The three religious were, the Lord
before Annas, Caiaphas during the night and then in the morning again
with the whole Sanhedrin. The three legal or political were, Christ
before Pilate and Herod, and back to Pilate again.
The following data is from the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Mishna,
Walter M. Chandler, ¨The trial of Jesus, Volume 1 pp. 226-227 and by
John James MaClaren (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol.
III, p. 1672) both of whom seemingly get their understandings from the
first three volumes mentioned.
⃰ The
Mishna was a scholarly work of 63 volumes which were the topical
index and thoughts of the ancient Rabbi’s. Instead of reading
to find every law concerning the Sabbath in the Torah, Rabbi
Judah arranged them all in one tractate called “Shabbat”. These
laws contained twenty-four chapters, being more extensive than
the Torah. The reason for this is that the “Shabbat”
does not depend on
the written law for its teachings, being the
exposition of the written Law as relayed by the scholarly and
other religious leaders of succeeding generations. This Oral
Law is, in some sense, the more authoritative of the two. It
had six orders dealing with every aspect of Jewish life. The
first order is “Zeraim”
(Seeds), and it deals with agricultural laws and prayers. The
second is “Moed”
(Festival), and it deals with those laws which relate to the
Sabbath and the Festivals. The third order is “Nashim”
(Women), and it deals with marriage and divorce. The fourth
order is “Nezikin”
(Damages), and it deals with civil and criminal law. The fifth
is “Kodashim”
(Holy things), which deals with sacrificial rites, the
and the dietary laws. The sixth is the “Tohorot”
(Purities), and it deals with the laws of purity.
It is the second and
fourth of these orders which are relevant to the trials of the
Lord, for it is these that were constantly broken.
In the laws of the Old Testament there are a number which deal
with judgements and witnesses, some of which are: |
1) |
A Judge Must Not: |
a) |
Maintain injustice. (Lev. 19:15) |
b) |
Be partial. (Lev. 19:15) |
c) |
Accept another’s opinion unless he is convinced of its
correctness. (Ex. 23:2) |
d) |
Bear hatred in his heart. (Lev. 19:17) |
e) |
Shame a Jew. (Lev. 19:17) |
f) |
Take revenge. (Lev. 19:18) |
g) |
Work on the first day of the Sabbath. (Ex. 20:10) |
2) |
It Was Illegal To Use A Criminal Or An Accomplice
The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews (page 274)
states: “The testimony of an accomplice is not permissible by
rabbinic law . . and no man's life, nor his liberty, nor his
reputation can be endangered by the malice of one who has
confessed himself a criminal". |
Several observations are made here: |
a) |
The false witnesses were themselves criminals, and that ideally
disbarred them from being witnesses. |
b) |
The chief priests were witnesses before Pilate, and since they
were accomplices to the false witnesses, they were constituted
criminals, thus ideally they also would have been disbarred from
testifying. |
c) |
Since Judas, the disciples, and the ladies who ministered to the
Lord were all fellow workers with Him, then if the Lord was a
criminal, then so were they by association. |
3) |
It Was Illegal To Use False Witnesses
God’s law was very clear: |
a) |
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” (Ex.
20:16) |
b) |
“Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with
the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.” (Ex. 23:1) |
c) |
“Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to
another.” (Lev. 19:11) |
The Minsha confirms the same thought. "If one witness
contradicts another, the testimony is not accepted."--Mishna,
"Sanhedrin," C. V. 2. If they did not agree on all
essential details the defendant must be released at once. |
Thus, the false witnesses were morally disqualified on two
counts. They told lies and they joined with the wicked to be an
unrighteousness witness. |
a) |
“If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against
him that which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the
controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests
and the judges, which shall be in those days. And the judges
shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be
a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother;
Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto
his brother.” (Deut. 19:16-19) |
b) |
This meant that instead of receiving money for their witness
they themselves ought to have been put to death. |
4) |
It Was Illegal For Judges To Be Corrupt, Or Bias |
a) |
These judges were corrupt in how they obtained “evidence”. |
i) |
The trial of Christ was illegal because it was based on bribery
in that Judas had received money to deliver Him into their hands. (Lk.
22:3-6) |
ii) |
The Mosaic code was very severe on those who wrested judgment
through bribery. (Ex. 23:1-8) |
iii) |
Under Hebrew law, this included judges who gave bribes as well as
received them. The evidence of being paid was clear to all in the
judgment Hall and in time, “it was known unto all the dwellers at
Jerusalem”. (Acts 1:19) |
b) |
These judges were corrupt in their judgment: |
i) |
“Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and
righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked”. (Ex. 23:7) |
c) |
These judges were bias: |
i) |
It is recorded that in prior to this trial the Sanhedrin had
sought for a means to put Christ to death. “But some of them went their
ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done. Then
gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What
do we? for this man doeth many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all
men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both
our place and nation.” (Jn. 11:46-48) |
5) |
Was Illegal For A Man To Be Judged By One Judge |
It is expressly stated in the scriptures that God was the Judge, who
alone could judge because he and He alone knew all the facts, the
motives, and was without respect of persons. “The heavens shall declare
his righteousness: for God is judge himself” (Psa. 50:6). Because of
this belief the Mishna absolutely forbade a solitary man to act as
judge. For a court to have any resemblance of fidelity, there had to be
at least three judges, and possibly seventy-one. This would be in
accordance with the law given to Moses: “The Lord said unto Moses,
“Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel. . . That they may
stand with thee. . .that they may bear the burden of the people” (Num.
11:16-17). Thus, the 70 men plus Moses made 71. |
6) |
Was Illegal
To Interrogate Before The Trial |
Jewish law did not permit private preliminary assessments, irrespective
of the number of judges in attendance. An accused man was never
subjected to private or secret examination, lest, in his perplexity, he
furnish damaging testimony against himself. Joseph Salvador, Histoire
des Institutions de Moise, p. 365-366. |
7) |
Was Illegal
The Charges During A Court Proceeding |
The only way the Jewish leaders could put the Lord to death was by
changing the accusation to deal with each legal system. According to
Mk. 14:55-64, two separate charges were brought against Jesus in this
court of law. The first was sedition, or a raising of discontent
against the Jewish and Roman governments through inflammatory speeches
and actions. But, this charge had to be abandoned because the witnesses
could not agree. (Mk. 14:55-57, 59) |
8) |
Was Illegal
Examine Or Put A Person Under Oath In Order To Extort A Self
Confession Of Guilt In The Individual |
The sentence against Jesus was unlawful because it was founded on His
own confession (Mk. 14:61-64). We have it as a fundamental principle of
our jurisprudence that no one can bring an accusation against himself.
Should a man make confession of guilt before a legally constituted
tribunal, such confession is not to be used against him unless properly
attested by two other witnesses."--Maimonides, "Sanhedrin," IV, 2.
Maimonides is an ancient Hebrew legal authority. |
9) |
Was Illegal
The Court To Meet In A Place Not Sanctioned By Jewish Law |
From Deut. 17:8-9 the Jewish leaders understood that the death sentence
could only be pronounced in one certain place. For this, they chose a
room in the Temple that was called: "The Hall of Gazith". In the Talmud
it was written: "A sentence of death can be pronounced only so long as
the Sanhedrin holds its sessions in the appointed place." After leaving
the hall Gazith no sentence of death can be passed upon anyone soever.
"Maimonides, "Sanhedrin," XIV." Talmud, Bab., Abodah Zarah, or of
Idolatry, chap. 1, fol. 8. |
10) |
Was Illegal
Render A Verdict Of Guilty At The Close Of The Night Session,
Without Allowing A Day To Intervene |
Hebrew law demanded two sessions of the Sanhedrin, in case of
condemnation, to be held a day apart. In the case of a death sentence,
it could not be pronounced until the afternoon of the second day. The
Hebrew trial of Jesus was thus illegal for it was concluded within one
day; the entire proceedings taking place the fourteenth of Nisan, the
first lunar month of the Jewish year. |
11) |
Was Illegal
Render A Verdict Of Guilty At The Close Of The Night Session,
Without Allowing A Day To Intervene |
“And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired
diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain.” (Deut.
17:4) |
12) |
Was Illegal
Bear False Witness Without Receiving The Due Punishment |
“If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that
which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy is,
shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which
shall be in those days; And the judges shall make diligent inquisition:
and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified
falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had
thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away
from among you.” (Deut. 19:16-19) |
Perjury placed a witness in a position fully as serious as that of the
one he testified against. That is, the false witnesses were to suffer
the penalty provided for the commission of the crime which they sought,
by their testimony to fix upon the accused. |
13) |
Was Illegal
A Court To Be Held At Night |
The Mishna states: “Let a capital offence be tried during the day, but
suspend it at night." The Talmud also states: "The Sanhedrin sat from
the close of the morning sacrifice to the time of the evening
sacrifice."--Talmud, Jerus., "Sanhedrin," C.I. fol. 19.
No court could be in session before the morning sacrifice, the reason
being, no man was considered competent to act as a judge in any question
until sacrifice and prayers had been offered to the great Judge of
Heaven. |
14) |
Was Illegal
Accept A Verdict In Which All The Judges Agreed
Mendelssohn gives a law, which to our thoughts, is very strange. It
was: |
a) |
"A simultaneous and unanimous verdict of guilt rendered on the
day of the trial has the effect of an acquittal.", The Criminal
Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews, p. 141. |
b) |
"If none of the judges defend the culprit, i.e., all pronounce
him guilty, having no defender in the court, the verdict of guilty was
invalid and the sentence of death could not be executed."--Rabbi Wise,
The Martyrdom of Jesus, p. 74. |
The reason for this was that the accused had no defence lawyer to make
sure that he was tried in a just manner. This was the work of the
judges, and at least one had this responsibility.
This law was clearly violated, for in the verdict concerning the Lord:
"They all condemned Him to be guilty of death." (Mk. 14:64) |
15) |
The Singularity Of The Sentencing |
"Let the judges each in his turn absolve or condemn."--Mishna,
"Sanhedrin," XV. "The members of the Sanhedrin were seated in the form
of a semicircle at the extremity of which a secretary was placed, whose
business it was to record the votes. One of these secretaries recorded
the votes in favour of the accused, the other those against him." --Mishan
"Sanhedrin," IV, 3. Depending if the case was for death or
other punishment all must vote, but one at a time, beginning
with the youngest. Each in his turn had to rise and cast
his vote, and then state his reason for his decision. Both
the vote and the reasons for it must be written down by the
scribes before the next man stood up to give his sentence in the
matter. This was not done in the trial of the Lord for He
condemned by an acclamation--a single chorus of approval (Matt.
26:66, Mk. 14:64) |
16) |
In Capital Crimes A Trial May End The Same Day It Began |
In capital cases, acquittal may be
pronounced the same day, but the pronouncing of sentence of
death must be deferred until the following day, in the hope that
some argument may meanwhile be discovered in favour of the
accused. |
17) |
It Was Illegal To Judge On The Eve Of The Sabbath, Or On That Of Any
Festival |
"They shall not judge on the eve of the Sabbath, nor on that of any
festival."--Mishna, "Sanhedrin," IV, 1. According to Talmudic law, the
Court must not be held on the Sabbath, or on any holy day. The trial of
a capital punishment case could not be commenced on the day before the
Seventh-day Sabbath, or before a ceremonial Sabbath, because in case of
conviction there must be a second trial the following day--on the
Sabbath or on the holy-day. No court of justice in Israel was permitted
to hold sessions on the Sabbath or any of the seven Biblical holidays
18) |
It Was Illegal To Have A Judge Who Was A Disqualified Adjudicator |
Apart from any other illegalities, the activity of the High Priest
automatically disqualified him for he deliberately tore his clothing.
There may be in Lev. 10:6, the thought that disobedience to this command
could result in death by God. |
The Trials
The Trials In General
It is easy to lose sight of who Jesus was in the consideration of the
passion. This lovely man was none other than the Light, the Witness,
and the Word; showing and declaring the character of God.
The Light
For a short time, that night in that judgment room, the Light of the
world shone in glorious brilliance. The unsullied man who stood there
uncontaminated by religiosity, unfettered by traditionalism, was none
other than the One of whom the Old and New Testaments called, “The
Light”. He stands in magnificent supremacy, without peer and
contradiction, alone and solitary as: |
1) |
The Light to the Gentiles. |
“And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to
raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I
will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my
salvation unto the end of the earth.” (Isa. 49:6; Acts 13:47) |
2) |
The Light of the world. |
“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (Jn. 1:4) |
3) |
The Light which lighteth every man. |
He was, “The true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the
world.” (Jn. 1:9) |
4) |
The Light of the world. |
“I am the light of the world.” (Jn. 8:12) |
5) |
The Light of the glory of the knowledge of God.
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined
in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in
the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Cor. 4:6) |
In the Upper Room the gentleness of the Lord shone brightly against the
backdrop of the disciples bickering. That which makes the injustice of
man stand starkly out, is that the One who they were judging was the
very Light of the World. He who is God manifest in flesh, to be
assessed by fallen man as to sin, is not only an impossibility, but a
manifestation of the darkness of the heart of man. Glorious truth! The
Light shone, and even though man despised it, it always convicted him of
his sin (Jn. 8:9). The lovely Son of God was intrinsically and
intensely holy, consequently, while men sought to find fault with the
Lord, their own faults were blazing like the noon day sun.
The candlestick of the Tabernacle was a glorious illustration of Christ,
yet as all shadows do, it fell short. The lamps connected to it had to
have trimmers and snuffers. En route, when it was covered, the lamps
had to be put out, in contrast to Christ who in all His earthly journeys
ever shone brightly.
No snuffers or trimmers were needed with Him and in every case, where
man tried to “correct” the Truth, to indicate a fault in the Light, it
did two things. |
1) |
There was a displaying of how distant man was from the mind of
God, and the brilliance of the Light. |
2) |
Only He, the effulgence of Light can, from the mind and heart,
dismiss all agitation and perplexity, dispel the spiritual darkness, and
give light. |
Being the Light: |
1) |
He exposed the corruption of political powers. (Matt. 2:16)
2) |
He cut to the root all false presumptuousness. (Matt. 3:9)
3) |
He laid bare ungodly motives. (Matt. 21:12-13) |
4) |
He exposed hypocrisy. (Matt. 9:11-12; 23:13-37)
5) |
He shook the foundations of those who thought themselves to be
morally clean. (Matt. 5:20-48) |
6) |
He will condemn the destruction of God’s original purpose of the
law. (Mk. 2:27) |
7) |
He lamented over the darkness of those persons whose hearts made
the law more important than life itself. (Matt. 12:9-14; Mk. 3:3-6; Lk.
8) |
He cut to pieces the Rabbinical stipulations which had turned
legality into a farce. (Matt. 23:24; Jn. 5:9-10)
9) |
He found obnoxious in the hypocritical attitudes of those who
honoured the letter of the law, but viciously distorted the spirit in
which it had been given. (Mk. 7:9-13)
As the Word
Our Lord is the declaration of the mind and heart of God.
The trials of our Lord were unique in their similarity and illegality in
several ways. They both had legislation for the death penalty. Under
Jewish law, it was blasphemy and under Roman law it was treason. In
Num. 35 God speaks very explicitly and repeatedly on this matter: |
1) |
“And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die,
he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death.” (Num.
35:16) |
2) |
“And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith he may die,
and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to
death.” (Num. 35:17) |
3) |
“Or if he smite him with an hand weapon of wood, wherewith he may
die, and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to
death.” (Num. 35:18) |
4) |
“Or in enmity smite him with his hand, that he die: he that smote
him shall surely be put to death; for he is a murderer: the revenger of
blood shall slay the murderer, when he meeteth him.” (Num. 35:21) |
5) |
“Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by
the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any
person to cause him to die.” (Num. 35:30) |
6) |
“Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a
murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to
death.” (Num. 35:31) |
Furthermore, God also states that there was no ransom for such an
offence: |
1) |
(Num. 35:31) (ASV) Moreover ye shall take no ransom for the life
of a murderer, that is guilty of death; but he shall surely be put to
death. |
2) |
(Num. 35:31) (RSV) Moreover you shall accept no ransom for the
life of a murderer, who is guilty of death; but he shall be put to
death. |

God grant us good understanding as He, by His Holy
Spirit, deigns to guide us into all truth.
John 16:13
Copyright © 2011 by Rowan Jennings, Abbotsford,
British Columbia