The Tabernacle can be studied prophetically, Christologically,
practically, and at least seven other ways. This paper will consider
the liberality of those who gave.
One of the many characteristics of God is His liberality. He is the
giving God. It is a study in itself to consider the adjectives just to
describe God’s benevolence, for there is not a stingy iota in God.
How He gives |
Expanded |
Reference |
Freely |
“How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” |
Rom. 8:32 |
Abundantly |
Abundant Life
Abundant wisdom
Abundant mercy
Jn. 10:10
Jam. 1:5
1 Pet. 1:3 |
Liberally |
“Ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally.”
“They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” |
Jam. 1:5
Psa. 34:10 |
Richly |
Of His goodness
Of His grace
Of His glory
Of His goodness and forbearance and long-suffering
Rom. 2:4
Eph. 2:7
Eph. 3:16
Rom. 2:4 |
Love |
“His great love wherewith He loved us” |
Eph. 2:4 |
Fully |
“Who gave Himself for our sins” |
Gal. 1:4 |
In my fifty plus years of taking meetings and ministering the
scriptures, I have heard many testimonies, and have at times met
and spoken with those who have doubted whether they were saved
or not. One of the major series of questions is: |
a) |
“Did I believe in the right way?” |
b) |
“Did I believe enough?” |
c) |
“Was my faith strong enough?” |
d) |
“Do you think I should do it again and try to be really
earnest?” |
Let it be abundantly clear, the historical/spiritual redemption
of Israel, or the redemption of any individual in any age, is
not a business transaction with God. There is a tendency to
unconsciously teach that if we give God our faith, then He will
save us! Of course that faith must be the right amount, in the
right spirit. This makes the receiving of salvation a work or
business transaction. Such an idea is foreign to the word of
God, for the Holy Spirit makes it clear that: |
a) |
Salvation is not by works: |
i) |
“Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2:9) |
ii) |
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according
to His mercy.” (Titus 3:5) |
b) |
Salvation is by faith. (Eph. 2:8) |
c) |
Salvation is a gift: |
i) |
“It is the gift of God.” (Eph. 2:8) |
ii) |
“The gift of God is eternal life.” (Rom. 6:23) |
This being so, God does not have salvation as a business in
which we give Him our faith and He gives us salvation. Yet
when: |
a) |
Liberated from the “Kingdom of darkness and translated into the
kingdom of His dear Son” (Col. 1:13). |
b) |
In making an individual a “partaker of the divine nature” (2
Pet. 1:4). |
Having received the generous gift of God, He expects this
characteristic in His people, irrespective of what age they live
in. Therefore, when there is consideration of the liberality of
the children of Israel in their giving for the Tabernacle, it
must be seen against the background of their redemption (Ex.
12-14). When God liberated Israel it was with an outstretched
arm (Deut. 26:8), and He brought them “forth from the iron
furnace” (Jer. 11:4). For four hundred years they had been
slaves, now they were free, and the natural response to one set
free from thralldom would be: “If there is anything I can ever
do for you just let me know”. But God is going to do more than
set them free, He is going to journey with them through the
wilderness (Ex. 33:14). He is going to come not just close to
them, but gloriously dwell in their midst, and for that He gives
them the opportunity to make Him a dwelling place (Ex. 25:8).
Of course this would naturally raise some very important
questions such as: |
a) |
What do you give the “Most High God” befitting His glory? (Gen.
14:19) |
b) |
What do you give the “Possessor of Heaven and earth”? (Gen.
14:19) |
c) |
What materials should they use to make such a dwelling place? |
d) |
What sort of structure should it be? |
e) |
What sort of furnishings would the great God want in His
dwelling place? Such a feature is very important for the things
which are given prominence in a home indicate those things which
are prominent to the individual. |
To answer such concerns God tells them that they can show their
gratitude by giving to Him certain materials to build His dwelling place
(Ex. 25:1-8). He would want a certain material used, namely linen, but
some times it would be colored and other times left natural. Only a
specific wood was to be used. There had to be gold, silver and brass
(copper). He would specify what sort of furnishings there had to
be in His dwelling place, and the dimensions. If they did as He
instructed them then the dwelling place would be acceptable to Him.
Let us not miss the graciousness of God to deign to accept from them
that which He had given them. They were never asked for these materials
when in Egypt for at least two reasons. One of which is God had not
given them the things. God never asks nor expects from us that which He
has not already freely given (2 Cor. 8:12).
Again, this was not a compulsory giving (see endnote) but would only be
acceptable by God from
those who give “willingly” (Ex. 25:2). It is recorded for us that they
gave for the making (building) of the Tabernacle (Ex. 25:8).
Later, in the days of Ezra, they would give for the beautifying
of the “House of the Lord which is in Jerusalem” (Ezra 7:27).
It was those Israelites: |
a) |
Whose spirit was willing (Ex. 35:21) |
b) |
Whose heart was “stirred” (Ex. 35:21, 26; 36:2) |
c) |
Who were “willing” (Ex. 25:2; Ezra 1:6; 3:5; 7:16) |
Another truth is, a priority in their giving was a degree of
their evaluation of desiring the presence of God in their
midst! Imagine if a certain Israelite, whom we shall call
Mr. Hanani, thought it would be nice to have God with them, but
not a priority in life. How little he would give! We face the
same decisions: |
a) |
Shall I spend $300.00 on a new piece of jewelry or give to it to
a missionary who is in need and the work of God is suffering? |
b) |
Shall I spend $300.00 on tickets for a football, hockey,
basketball match or give it to a work that is doing a real work
for God amongst the needy? |
c) |
Which is my priority? |
God loves us to give willingly but one must first offer themselves
willing as Amasiah did (2 Chron. 17:16). How much was done when the
people first willingly offered themselves as a corporate unit as Israel
did (Jud. 5:2; Neh. 11:2)? Paul, when writing to the Corinthians, spoke
of the churches of Macedonia who gave “willingly of themselves (2 Cor.
8:3), having first given “their own selves to the Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5).
It was not that they had an abundance, for Paul, telling of their
background, writes: “How that in a great trial of affliction the
abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches
of their liberality” (2 Cor. 8:2).
How great is the tragedy when later in their history they “willingly
walked after the commandment” (Hos. 5:11) but it was not the commandment
of the Lord. They had willingly walked after the command of Jeroboam to
worship the calves he had made (2 Kgs. 10:28-33) thus becoming
Human nature is self-centered with a prodigal son attitude of “Give me”
(Lk. 15:12). Because of this, those who have had nothing, when they
suddenly have considerable means ofttimes are reluctant to give up too
much! Therefore, there is a measure in which we could understand them
holding a considerable amount back. How will they respond to the needs
for the building of the dwelling place of God for He does not want that
which is begrudged or given half heartily. He gives cheerfully and He
wants His people to give cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7), so how will they
give? Barnabas and many of the early saints who had lands or houses
sold them and the proceeds were given to those in need (Acts 4:33-37).
Not all did that. Ananias and Sapphira kept back some but professed to
give all (Acts 5:1-10). Would these ancient people be like Barnabas or
Ananias? No doubt there were some who were hesitant about giving too
much, and indeed perhaps some who did not give at all, but the work of
building the dwelling place of God did not suffer (Ex. 35:20-24). In
fact, the people were told to stop bringing for there was sufficient,
and too much (Ex. 36:5-6). For those who failed to give or assist in
the building of the tabernacle, what a loss was theirs, for they never
had another opportunity. How tragic!
The Holy Spirit asks a searching question: “What hast thou that thou
didst not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7). These ancient people gave abundantly
and we can understand why. Had any of us been slaves under the tyranny
of Egypt and then given liberty, nothing the Lord could have asked of us
would have been too much.
Does God Expect His People To Give Today?
1) |
Have we not been redeemed from a worse bondage than Israel?
(Col.1:13) |
2) |
Have we not been given better (superior) promises? (2 Pet. 1:4) |
3) |
Have we not a better (superior) sacrifice? (Heb. 9:23) |
4) |
Have we not a better (superior) priest? (Heb. 7:20-28) |
5) |
Have we not better (superior) blessings? (Eph. 1:3) |
6) |
Have we not a better (superior) inheritance? (Eph. 1:14; Col.
1:12; 1 Pet. 1:4) |
7) |
Have we not a better (superior) hope? (Heb. 7:19) |
8) |
Have we not been brought into a better testament (superior
covenant)? (Heb. 7:22) |
It would seem that utter gratitude for the
spiritual blessing we have received would result in a heartfelt yearning
to give what we can of our material things to the Lord. Such is the
teaching of scripture (Rom. 15:27; 1 Cor. 9:11 Gal. 6:6)
Should We Give?
When we consider our giving biblically, then it is found to have
magnificent results. This means not just putting money in or on the
receptacle, but consciously see this as an act of giving to God for His
glory (2 Cor. 9:13). Some of the results are:
Response and results |
Reference |
The bonds of love are strengthened |
2 Cor. 8:4, 8-15, 24 |
It results in equality |
2 Cor. 8:14; 9:12 |
It expresses a brotherhood |
1 Jn. 3:17; Acts 11:29 |
The Lord is well pleased |
2 Cor. 9:7; Heb. 13:16; Phil. 4:18 |
Relief is brought to needy saints |
2 Cor. 9:12 |
It stimulates others to like behavior |
2 Cor. 8:1-2 |
It promotes thanksgiving |
2 Cor. 9:11-14 |
It increases capacity for further giving |
2 Cor. 9:8-10; Prov. 11:24; Lk. 19:24-26 |
It produces fruit |
Phil. 4:17; 2 Cor. 9:10 |
Has eternal benefits |
Phil. 4:17; Matt. 6:19-20 |
This leads to another consideration in which the
questions become:
Why We Should Give Sacrificially?
a) |
Because: |
i) |
He gave sacrificially for us by coming to die for our sins and
make us spiritually rich. (2 Cor. 8:9) |
ii) |
He offers us opportunity to make deposits in the Bank of
Heaven. (Lk. 16:9; Matt. 6:20) |
iii) |
It is a manifestation of how true our evaluations are, and to
what is our treasure, and where it is. (Lk. 12:33-34) |
iv) |
Everything we have belongs to God. Perhaps at times we need to
be reminded that it is God who supplies us with all things
richly to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17). David said: “Thine, O LORD, is
the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory,
and the majesty: “for all that is in the heaven and in the
earth is thine” (1 Chron. 29:11). Again: “For all things
come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee” (1 Chron.
29:14). |
v) |
If we withhold that which we can honestly give, how does God
view it? For instance, farmer John has a wonderful and very
large herd of cows and bulls. He also has a considerable flock.
However, when it comes to giving to God, although he could
easily afford a bull or cow, he gives a second sheep. How does
God view that? God holds back and says: such a one is “robbing
God”. (Mal. 3:8) |
vi) |
we give, so God will give in the same degree to us. (Lk. 6:38;
2 Cor. 9:6) |
vii) |
Jesus said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. (Acts
20:35) |
viii) |
After we have given liberally, the Lord promises to supply all
our needs. (Phil. 4:18-19) |
ix) |
Giving is an act of worship to God. (Matt. 26:7-11) |
x) |
The Lord noticed giving. (Lk. 21:1-4) |
Then How Should We Give?
Characteristically |
Reference |
Sacrificially |
2 Cor. 8:3….Beyond their power
2 Cor. 8:6….Bountifully
Willingly |
2 Cor. 8:3...Of their own accord, willingly of themselves,
there was no asking the saints to dig deeper, no raffles, or
church drives, etc.
1 Cor 8:3...Gave of themselves, willing of themselves |
Sincerely |
2 Cor. 8:4 . . . “Praying us with much entreaty.”
These saints were well aware of the dangers and
responsibility of having to travel approximately 1000 miles
to deliver the gift. Heavy coins, bad roads, and the
possibility of not getting to those for whom it was
collected because of bandits. Yet, they left it to the Lord
to protect it, and they begged Paul to take it. They
depended on God for the protection of that which was His.
Ezra declared the same truth. (Ezra 8:22)
Spiritually |
2 Cor. 8:5 . . . . They first gave themselves
divine example v. 9 |
Regularly |
1 Cor. 16:2 . . . “Upon the first day of the week” lay
aside. |
Individually |
1 Cor. 16:2 . . . “you” |
Corporately |
1 Cor. 16:2 . . . “Every one” |
Proportionately |
1 Cor. 16:2 . . . “As God hath
What if I would like to give more but cannot? The
Lord understands (2 Cor. 8:12). God told the Israelites:
“The firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and of
all the increase of the field”. The clause “of all the
increase” means
it was to be proportional (2 Chron. 31:5).
The truth of giving the firstfruits of the increase is
referred to again in Prov. 3:9.
Cheerfully |
2 Cor. 9:7 . . .
The word translated “cheerfully” means to give hilariously,
laughing to see it go. Because of who it is to and that
which it is toward. |
Obligational |
Foremost, our families must be looked after. Their
needs must be met, and God does not want us to send money to
missionaries if our own family is in need of food, clothes,
or medical help, etc. “Look after his own house . . . worse
than an infidel”. (1 Tim. 5:8; Mk. 7:11-13)
Tradesmen that have done work. (Rom. 13:8)
Paul was cared for by the saints. (Rom. 16:23; 1 Cor. 16:6)
He was assisted by the church when en route. (Acts 15:3)
He reminded the saints of their responsibility to the Lord
and to help bring him to his missionary field. (Rom. 15:24;
2 Cor. 1:16)
He was assisted by local churches when far away and not with
them. (2 Cor. 1:11; 2 Cor. 11:7-12; Phil.
He was assisted by individual believers. (1 Cor. 16:17; 2
Tim. 1:16-18)
When Paul wrote to the saints he specifically told them of
his expectations of them:
- For himself. (Rom. 15:24; 1 Cor.
- For other individuals. (Rom. 16:2)
- For other churches. (1 Cor. 16:1;
2 Cor. 9:5)
He was not behind the door in using a little spiritual
pressure, for he was:
The Galatians as an example to the Corinthians. (1 Cor.
The Corinthians as an example to the Macedonians. (2 Cor.
The Corinthians and Macedonians as examples to the Romans.
(Rom. 15:26)
Liberally |
Rom. 12:8; 2 Cor. 8:3; 1 Tim. 6:17-19; Heb. 13:16 |
Secretly |
“Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth”
Matt. 6:3 |
Honestly |
The God who owns everything and is holy, does not want, nor
be associated with, dirty money. (2 Cor. 8:21; Tit. 3:14; 1
Thess. 4:12; Heb. 13:18) |
Purposefully |
A collection for the saints due to their need. (1 Cor.
16:1) |
With preparation |
“Lay by him in store.” (1 Cor. 16:2) |
It also seems to me that due consideration must be given to the need in
the situation, i.e.; the country the recipient lives in; the “known” way
they are given; the number of dependents at home; and the cost of living
in the country they dwell.
In the New Testament the Holy Spirit uses at least ten different
names being called: |
a) |
Rom. 15:26: “A certain contribution”, Gk. “Koinonia” which means
contribution, participation, fellowship. The word is translated
“fellowship” (2 Cor. 8:4). |
b) |
Rom. 15:27: “Carnal things”, Gk “sakikos” which means that which
is temporal, which pertains to the natural. In Heb. 7:16 the
same word is used of the law. Within the context of material
given the same word is used in 1 Cor. 9:11. |
c) |
Phil. 4:10: “Your care of me”, Gk “phroneo” which means your
concern, thoughts for me, interest in, affection toward. This
word is translated, “Ye were” and “careful” in the same verse. |
d) |
1 Cor. 16:2: “Gathering”, Gk “logia” which means collection,
contribution. |
e) |
1 Cor. 16:3: “Bring your liberality”, Gk “chairs”. The word is
translated “gift” (2 Cor. 8:4) “grace” (2 Cor. 8:19) |
f) |
2 Cor. 8:20: “This abundance”, Gk “hadrotes” which comes from
the word “hadros” which means plumpness. This is the only time
the word “hadrotes” is used in the New Testament) |
g) |
2 Cor. 9:1: “The ministering to the saints”, Gk “diakonia” which
means in this context, this service, relief. |
h) |
2 Cor. 9:5: “Bounty”, Gk. “eulogia” which in this context means
this blessing, consecration benefit, largeness. |
i) |
2 Cor. 9:10: “seed”, Gk. “sporos” which means that which is
scattered. |
j) |
Rom. 15:28: “Fruit”, Gk. “karpos” fruit depending on contest,
cp. The vine cannot bear fruit, the evidence of that within. |
In the history of Israel there were those “givings” which were
compulsory, the giving of a tenth and the redemption half
shekel: |
a) |
From those who were to be numbered, that is, from twenty years
and up. (Ex. 30:12-16) |
b) |
From these who were numbered. (Ex. 38:26) |
c) |
Make from a bekah from each individual, that is half a shekel,
from 603,550 individuals. |
There was also the free will offerings for the Tabernacle (Ex.
25:2; 35:5, 21-29; 36:3) and that which they were to bring was: |
a) |
Gold, silver, copper, blue, purple, scarlet, linen, wood, rams
skins dyed red, badger skins, goats hair, onyx stones, and other
specific stones for the breastplate and ephod, oil, and spices.
(Ex. 25:3-7; 35:5-9) |
God also told specifically how the materials were used:
Material |
Used for |
Reference |
Silver |
The silver was
divided into two parts, 100 talents and 1,775 shekels.
1. From the 100 talents were made:
The sockets for the boards, called the sockets of the
The sockets for the vail. But not the sockets for
the Door (Ex. 26:37)
The total number of sockets were 100 and 100 talents
of silver was used for
each socket. There were 48 boards with two sockets under
each which
equals 96 individual sockets.
4 sockets for the pillars of the vail
2. From
the 1,775 shekels were made:
Hooks for the pillars.
Overlaid their chapiters.
Fillets |
Ex. 38:27
Ex. 38:27
Ex. 38:27
Ex. 26:32
Ex. 38:28
Ex. 38:28
Ex. 27:10
Gold |
The coverings for the boards
2. The altar of incense
3. The ark (wood overlaid with gold)
4. The table
5. The various staves
6. The bars for the boards
7. The pillars for the vail, and their fillets
8. The pillars, chapiters, and fillets for the
9. The entire mercy seat
10. Candlestick
11. Taches for the linen curtain |
Ex. 26:29
Ex. 40:5
Ex. 25:11
Ex. 25:24
Ex. 25:28
Ex. 26:29
Ex. 36:36
Ex. 36:38
Ex. 25:17
Ex. 25:31
Ex. 36:13 |
Brass / copper |
The sockets for the door of the Tabernacle
The brazen
brazen grate
All the copper vessels
The sockets for the court
The sockets for the court gate
The pins of the court
The pins for the Tabernacle
The sockets for the Door.
The taches for the goat’s hair curtain |
Ex. 38:30
Ex. 38:30
Ex. 38:30
Ex. 38:30
Ex. 38:31
Ex. 38:31
Ex. 38:31
Ex. 38:20
Ex. 36:38
Ex. 26:11 |
all was measured. There are some that the weight is given. The
lampstand and its instruments was to be made with a talent of
gold (Ex. 25:39). The sockets for the sanctuary and the vail
were each a talent of silver (Ex. 38:25). The weighings of God
are very serious for we are instructed that: |
a) |
“The way of the just is uprightness: thou, most upright, dost
weigh the path of the just.” (Isa 26:7) |
b) |
“Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcasses of
their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in their midst of
them for ever. Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of
Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities.” (Ezek.
43:9-10) |
c) |
“TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found
wanting.” (Dan. 5:27) |
d) |
“Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine
integrity.” (Job 31:6) |
e) |
“Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out
of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him
actions are weighed.” (1 Sam. 2:3) |

May God grant us good understanding as He, by His
Holy Spirit, deigns to guide us into all truth.
John 16:13
Copyright © 2012 by Rowan Jennings, Abbotsford,
British Columbia